In this great season of joy, we are very happy to share an interview with Fr. Simon Shaner, OSPPE, who recently joined our Corpus Christi family as Assistant Pastor. Named for St. Simon the Zealous, Fr. Simon brings to us a special love for God and a fervent desire to serve His people.
Before coming to Buffalo, Fr. Simon had the challenging task of establishing a new parish community in Summerfield, Florida, called St. Mark’s. With the population increasing in that area the congregation grew rapidly, and Fr. Simon requested permission from the Diocese to build a church to accommodate the expanding flock. His energetic parishioners joined him in a very successful fund-raising campaign, and within a few years a beautiful new church was erected. The dedication took place on January 30, 2010, just days before Fr. Simon arrived to take up his duties at Corpus Christi. [Read more…]
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