Corpus Christi Church, located at 199 Clark St. in Buffalo, will celebrate a special Mass on Sunday, April 18 at 8:00a.m. in memory of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, First Lady Maria Kaczynska and 94 other Polish top ranking military, religious leaders and distinguished citizens who perished in an air crash of devastating proportions on April 10 . The disaster was made even more tragic since the purpose of the delegation’s ill-fated flight was to attend the 70th anniversary observances of the Katyn Forest massacres, in which more than 21,000 Polish prisoners were executed by Russian soldiers. The time of the liturgy is planned to coincide with the Polish President’s funeral in Krakow, taking into account the six hour time difference between the Polish city and Buffalo. Corpus Christi arranged a similar Mass in 2005, that was held simultaneous to Pope John Paul II’s memorial service in Rome, Italy.

Corpus Christi’s Mass of remembrance underscores the Polish roots of this historic parish, and the present-day, personal connections of many parishioners to Poland. The church’s tribute is part of the Western New York response to the Polish tragedy, which includes letters of condolences from Mayor Byron Brown and Common Council President David Franczyk to Buffalo’s Sister City of Rzeszow, Poland. This event also reflects a national outpouring of respect and support from the American people.

All are welcome to attend this memorial service. A Book of Condolences, which has been available to the public in City Hall for the past week, will be at Corpus Christi on Sunday for individuals to add their messages of sympathy. Mayor Brown will be sending this book to the Mayor of Rzeszow, Poland on April 25th. For additional information, please call 716/896-1050 or visit

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