The following is a statement from Theology of the Body President Dr. Christopher West regarding decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade:
Today, with awe at the events unfolding on this Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Theology of the Body Institute celebrates the courageous decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold in law the inviolable dignity of human life in the womb. While this just ruling certainly marks a victory for life, let us recall these important words of Saint John Paul II: “It is an illusion to think we can build a true culture of human life if we do not … accept and experience sexuality and love and the whole of life according to their true meaning and their close inter-connection” (The Gospel of Life 97). May this historic day mark our renewed commitment to helping men and women embrace the true beauty and splendor of the divine plan for creating us male and female and calling the two to become “one flesh.” This is a “great mystery,” as Saint Paul proclaims, and it takes us to the heart of God’s plan to become one-in-the-flesh with us (see Eph 5:31-32).
Christopher West, Th.D.
President, Theology of the Body Institute
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