When the Pauline Fathers came to serve at Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church in Buffalo, NY, they installed an Icon of Our Lady of Częstochowa at the right side, front altar. The Icon was blessed in Rome, Italy by Pope St. John Paul II.
Each Sunday, after Mass, many parishioners and visitors to the church venerate the Icon, pray and light candles. Many sit in the pew in front of the Icon, contemplating the scarred face of the Madonna and meditate on its’ mystery.

Our Lady of Częstochowa has a special place in the hearts of many people throughout the world. The Shrine in Częstochowa, Poland, and the Shrine in Doylestown, PA are “must see” sights for people in both locations. The Pauline Fathers at Corpus Christi Church and their religious order are custodians of both Shrines in the USA and Poland.
August 26th each year is designated as the feast day to Our Lady of Częstochowa. Because the feast day falls on a Wednesday, this year Corpus Christi Community is inviting everyone to visit and participate at the 9:30 AM Mass on Sunday, August 23 with a tribute to Our Lady.
We are children of Our Heavenly Mother and live to honor Our Mother with tributes. Therefore, Father Michał would like the congregation to bring fresh cut flowers from your garden or purchased at the store, to decorate her altar. With your flowers please add your prayer intentions. The petitions will remain before Our Lady’s Icon throughout the nine-day-novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa which we celebrate yearly in our parish. Father is also kindly asking for monetary donations at this time which can be placed in the basket by Our Lady’s Altar.
Given the severity of the pandemic in our country and throughout the world, the words to the Polish Hymn, “Czarna Madonno” resonate with finding in Our Lady, comfort, refuge, safety, reassurance and embrace that the world we live in today, could never possible give to us.
After Mass you will have the opportunity to take Holy Cards of Our Lady of Częstochowa from Jasna Gora in Poland. The Holy Card is imprinted with a piece of veil cloth, touched to the original Icon. You may also take it with you and place it in a prominent place in your home, and dedicate your family to the Blessed Mother. Pray with your family to Our Lady of Częstochowa often, asking her to bring the Covid-19 under control with an appropriate vaccine soon. Consider visiting the Shrine in Doylestown, PA this summer as a mini-vacation or set a goal in your future to visit the Shrine of Częstochowa at Jasna Gora in Czestochowa, Poland. As “Jasna Gora” is translated into English meaning “Bright Hill,” let us pray that brighter days are coming to America and the rest of the world.
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