Go Hawaiian @ Corpus Christi Church on 10/24/2010!!!
Angry at the church…
The decline in church attendance is not a Corpus Christi Phenomenon it is a worldwide phenomenon. Also ‘Church Shopping’ or ‘Church flip-flopping’ is another practice unheard of in the past but becoming more common among registered parishioners. Both actions weaken/hurt the parish community and the parishioner. The only way to make a difference in the world or in ones parish is to be involved not uninvolved. The Church is not like MTV or a place where we come to be entertained. It is a place where all kinds of people come to be part of. Why? I’d like to talk about reasons why a person should be part of a parish in a series of homilies that I will give at all 8:15 and 11:30 Masses starting September 12th. We know people who are pissed off with their Pastor; pissed off with the world; pissed off with themselves, connect with us and be part of the solution not the problem
September 12th
Why Church? Reason One: Community As the Good Shepherd, Jesus knew that sheep do best when they’re with other sheep.
September 19th
Why Church? Reason Two: Real People
Hypocrisy in the church is mostly a myth
September 26th
Why Church? Reason Three: Money Matter Yes, the church is always asking for money, and giving it is for our spiritual well-being
October 3rd
Why Church? Reason Four: Mentors Every congregation has two things — a pastor and an opinion about the pastor. There are many reasons (church closings, divorce, scandals, money, people’s lifestyles) why Catholics whom we know do not attend Mass on Sunday. Many feel that the only tool they have is to not attend Mass to hurt the Church, the pastor or a loved one who have hurt them. We like to share with you how we have dealt with these issues…and have become stronger and more active in our parish.
After each of these Masses, I’d like to invite you over to our social hall to talk further how you can bring people back to practicing their faith.
Father Simon Shaner
Masses for Our Lady of Czestochowa – 11:30AM & 6:30PM – 08/26
Thursday, August 26 is the Solemnity of Our Lady of Czestochowa two Masses will be offered, at 11:30am and 6:30pm, and the evening celebration will include a Solemn Procession.
Please join us.
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